
Dec 13, 2010

Important information from a Clairvoyant - Free Gifts

This time I am going to present to you a well crafted letter by the most famous clairvoyant on the Internet Sara Freder. She has been sending me emails for the past few months. This is one of the series of emails. She claims to give me free gifts so as to improve my life by making my life abundant. Now I am going to do a Rip-Off of this letter sentence by sentence, word by word.

Your attention, Deep,

Before all, I want to set your mind at ease, this information of the greatest importance
which I am going to develop in my letter will be for you very satisfying information.

Indeed, I was getting ready for bed yesterday evening after a long day dedicated to the most demanding clients -you know better than anybody that there are many of them in this world - I had a dizzy spell, instinctively closed my eyes, and this important and marvellous revelation concerning you appeared to me.
Did I say that I have never ever written to this person for doing a clairvoyance reading for me. But the first thing she will do in her letter is that she will write to you with your name on the top of the letter. This makes the letter more authentic sounding and you may get a feeling that the content that is about to follow may contain some substance. And yes I don't understand how I became one of her most demanding clients without ever asking her for a favour
It was almost eleven in the evening and everything was quiet around me, when this information, very pleasant and worthy for you, became clear to me. It brought no real surprise as I was expecting it.

A series of images appeared to me, I am used to it, they always arrive when important events are about to occur…

For a while, I did not understand clearly what those visions meant, I saw numbers and letters, then more numbers and banknotes, later dates and numbers again or more exactly codes, confidential codes…

I rapidly took note of all that had appeared to me, all those numbers, those numbers and codes, and I suddenly understood that, among them, stood your own confidential code, the !

I therefore went further in my investigations, and what I discovered is quite surprising. Among those numbers and letters, sums of money, very large sums of money appear.
   How come she always comes to know that an important event is about to occur in my life. And I am amazed at the frequency at which she finds those events. And did you read the description of the way in which she had visions about those events. These seem to have been picked from the script of a Sci-Fi Hollywood movie.

You already know that you belong to the group of people whom I always wished to help, and that your case stands out among those which I consider the most important, those which I particularly cherish.
Feel more important
That is why, as soon as I noticed you were among those who were to benefit from my vision, I felt rising in my heart a burst of happiness for you Deepak.

For, as far as I am concerned, there's no doubt, I am quite sure that you were among those people I saw were going to receive a large sum of money in the next few days, I believe I saw the numbers 30,000, and even 50,000…
These numbers have been used to make it more realistic. Had she increased one or two more zeroes, this might have sounded more like one of those lottery winning spams you get in your inbox quite often.
So I picked up your folder as I wanted to know why and how you would have the Chance to receive that sum of money. And I realized that you had just been through a difficult period in your life, full of anxiety, fear, and moments of discouragement or doubt…
Until now, it is true, life did not really bring you the joys you deserve, life has been quite unfair to you; in fact, for some time now, life has not spoiled you. That's why I confirm to you, I have great happiness, the happiness of bringing good news to you, Deep.

Don't you think every person in this world feels at some or the other point in his life that he has had to face difficult times. Has not everyone had doubt, fear, anxiety and moments of discouragement once or the other time. So, this is a feeling in general and doesn't need one to be a clairvoyant to understand and write these lines.
If you read the letter word by word till now you must have got convinced that you are a very troubled person and that you are in need of help or some supernatural intervention is needed to take you out of this situation. 

The next stage of this letter will be coming in the next post. Keep reading.

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